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  • At vimeo.com/ondemand/riseupfilm
    and share the trailer if u liked the film.

  • Yes, one-time screenings are available for groups & organizations!

    This provides you with a unique login to the film that you can share with your participants. There is a minimum fee and scales up depending on your audience and needs. Filmmakers may be available for Q&As for a speaker fee. If you are interested you can buy a Download at:

  • Share the news that community screenings are available for booking, and that they are a great way to connect with others about important themes from the film that matter to your community. Download our toolkit images and customize your posts. Or share the trailer.

  • Together with five extraordinary political heroines, "Rise up" seeks answers to the devastating ecological, economic and authoritarian developments of our time.

    It is said that every social progress had to be struggled for by courageous people - but how did they succeed? Can the enormous global crises of the present even be overcome? Driven by questions, doubts and visions, the film wanders through wild imagery, through the promises of happiness of modernity, freezes in the face of overpowering enemies, lives through resistance, failure and new beginnings. And we begin to understand - due to the inspiring stories of five people who were involved in overwhelming social upheavals. They struggle to find answers, along with the film's authors and the audience. They trace the point at which people begin to resist. The point at which the decision is made to leave normality and certainty behind in order to dare to do something completely new.

    Language versions: DE Voiceover / DE Subs | EN Voiceover / EN Subs | ES Voiceover / ES Sups.

    Production: Freischwimmer Film / leftvision
    World Distribution: limonero films / Distribution Germany: NeueVisionen
    Directors: Marco Heinig, Steffen Maurer, Luise Burchard and Luca Vogel


  • PROTAGONISTS: Shahida Issel was one of the activists who brought down the apartheid regime in South Africa. Judith Braband organized the great protests in the GDR in 1989 that led to the fall of the SED regime. Camilla Càceres spent the last years fighting for a new constitution in Chile with protests of millions. Marlene Sonntag moved from Germany to militarily embattled Rojava to support the Kurdish revolution. And Kali Akuno is a highly networked organizer at the heart of the U.S. Black movement, which recently made a global impact again with BlackLivesMatter.